Learning Resources
About the Business
Kia ora! We are two Bayfield High School students that have made a business through the Young Enterprise Scheme. Purei is a business made to help people on their te reo Māori journey, Our goal is to make learning te reo more accessible to everyone wanting to learn.
Here is the link to our article on the ODT:

About the Owners
Information about the students behind the Purei Learning
Kia ora! We are two Bayfield High School students named Imogen and Izaac and we are the owners of Purei Learning. We started the business in 2023 and are continuing into 2024 through the Young Enterprise Scheme.
We both are tangata whenua with us both being registered through Kāi Tahu, Izaac has been learning te reo Māori for over 6 years and Imogen has started her te reo Māori journey which is why we have made learning resources for people like Imogen starting their te reo journey!
If you have any questions feel free to contact us!
Kā mihi
Izaac and Imogen

Contact Us
Feel free to contact us if you had any questions or problems through our email or social media.
Kā mihi
Contact info